The Benefits of Shandals®
We like to think of Shandals® as a gentle therapy. They are worn by men and women of all ages from all walks of life. We have customers all over the world who find Shandals® strengthen and heal the feet, whether you have bunions or normal healthy feet.
Shandals® have a straight inside edge (sculptured under the arch), and the toe thong guides your big toe into alignment leaving the other toes space to move freely. They are broad over the widest area of the foot - the metatarsal arch, and narrow at the back which supports your heel into the back of the shoe.
Shandals® allow your toes to breathe, to be dextrous and move around and you feel grounded and become stronger on your toes.
All our Shandals® designs have helped many people with all sorts of problems due to hereditary bunions or a lifetime of wearing badly fitting, pointy shoes. Many customers have discovered them to be the answer to their tired, achy, damaged feet. Problems such as corns, bunions, a dropped arch and hammer toes all have a chance to straighten out.
We make our Shandals® in 4 width fittings (Slim, Standard, Medium and Wide) in 3 main designs - Lace up, Slip On and Buckle.
If you do suffer with damaged feet/bunions we recommend the Lace up Shandals® as they are the most adjustable and supportive. The combination of the straight inside edge and toe thong gently guides the big toes into line. When your big toes are guided straight, your arch naturally lifts, which is then embraced and supported by the soft uppers when the laces are tightened (if you have bunions, sometimes the arch can severely drop or pronate inwards).
The Buckle Shandal® is a firm favourite amongst our customers. It’s a great design for many although the buckles are not quite as adjustable at the arch as the Lace ups. They are a nice sophisticated cut and very flattering around the ankle too.
The Slip on Shandals® design tends to fit those with normal healthy feet. If you have a dropped arch the elasticated sides will not feel as 'held' as the other two designs but they are a nice option for an easy to wear pair - the Slip on Shandal® is the design Alan wore most.
Here at the Original Shandals® Co. we make a range of stock sizes and widths which are available off the peg. However if you have severe problems with your feet or differences in foot length you may need them made bespoke, in which case you will need to go direct to bespoke Shoemaker Ruth Emily Davey.